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Last year we wen't on a road trip around California, and the surrounding states for our Honeymoon and had some incredible experiences. We mixed the city life of San Fransisco and LA with incredible outdoor destinations such as Yosemite and the Grand Canyon. Every inch of it was so different from the English cities and countrysides and it got me thinking about the interiors of the buildings we passed and what they might be like. While in San Fransisco, we visited the famous Lombard Street and despite the stunning view across the city to the sea, there was one house that I found incredibly striking. The blue house with its shocking pink foliage was in full bloom and looked like something out of a fairytale. With this in mind, I started looking into Interior designers based in in the City by the Bay and came across there ABD Studio. There work was simple, clean and slightly eclectic. Below are a few of my favourite images from their portfolio.

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